Alegría celestial jackpot

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Choose Your Path Select how many lines you want to bet on. No entanto, podemos dizer que apostagahna é uma mistura de nonsense, humor absurdo e ironia, tudo em uma única palavra. Quanto à sua origem, como mencionado anteriormente, apostagahna não tem uma história clara.

Alguns afirmam que ele surgiu de uma noite de improvisação de comediantes talentosos, onde a busca pela palavra mais engraçada do universo levou à criação de apostagahna.

Outros teorizam que o termo veio de um sonho alucinante de um poeta visionário. A verdade é que ninguém realmente sabe, e talvez isso seja parte da magia de apostagahna.

Além disso, apostagahna também é motivo de discussão entre os estudiosos da linguagem. Alguns argumentam que é uma palavra inventada sem nenhum significado real, enquanto outros acreditam que ela representa uma forma de comunicação não verbal, capaz de transmitir emoções e sentimentos de uma maneira única.

O impacto de apostagahna na cultura popular não pode ser subestimado. Ele se tornou um termo tão popular que é usado em diversas situações do cotidiano, desde conversas informais até produções artísticas elaboradas. Muitos comediantes e roteiristas o utilizam para criar diálogos inusitados e cenas hilárias.

Além disso, apostagahna também marcou presença na literatura e nas artes visuais, onde é uma fonte inesgotável de inspiração. Na música, alguns artistas até mesmo incorporaram apostagahna em suas letras, levando o humor e o absurdo a novos patamares.

É interessante notar que apostagahna também tem sido objeto de estudo em diversas áreas acadêmicas, como sociologia, psicologia e antropologia. Pesquisadores têm explorado o fenômeno de apostagahna como uma forma de expressão cultural e social, analisando como ele reflete e influencia a sociedade contemporânea.

Em resumo, apostagahna é muito mais do que apenas uma palavra engraçada. É um fenômeno cultural que transcende fronteiras e gera risadas em pessoas de diferentes origens e culturas. Então, da próxima vez que você ouvir alguém mencionar apostagahna, aproveite a oportunidade para se divertir e explorar o mundo do absurdo e do nonsense.

Apostagahna não é apenas uma expressão engraçada que faz as pessoas rirem. Ele também funciona como uma forma de escapismo e libertação do cotidiano.

Se você está precisando alegrar o seu dia ou quebrar a monotonia de uma conversa, basta introduzir apostagahna no diálogo. A reação das pessoas certamente será de surpresa e risadas. Mas cuidado, apostagahna não é para todas as situações.

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Alegría celestial jackpot - Missing Alegria Star Cutout Aged Cognac Brown Leather Mules Slip On 39 US Sz Comfort. ooohlala_rachel % Positive feedback Alegria Alli Black Silver Rose 40 10 Floral Textured Comfort Clogs Mules ; Quantity. 1 available ; Item Number. ; Model. Allie ; Accurate Sus notas juegan en armonía, creando una sinfonía de energía y alegría. Ahli Vega es como un paseo por un jardín lleno de frutas maduras y suaves brisas

Pesquisadores têm explorado o fenômeno de apostagahna como uma forma de expressão cultural e social, analisando como ele reflete e influencia a sociedade contemporânea. Em resumo, apostagahna é muito mais do que apenas uma palavra engraçada. É um fenômeno cultural que transcende fronteiras e gera risadas em pessoas de diferentes origens e culturas.

Então, da próxima vez que você ouvir alguém mencionar apostagahna, aproveite a oportunidade para se divertir e explorar o mundo do absurdo e do nonsense. Apostagahna não é apenas uma expressão engraçada que faz as pessoas rirem. Ele também funciona como uma forma de escapismo e libertação do cotidiano.

Se você está precisando alegrar o seu dia ou quebrar a monotonia de uma conversa, basta introduzir apostagahna no diálogo. A reação das pessoas certamente será de surpresa e risadas. Mas cuidado, apostagahna não é para todas as situações.

É preciso ter um senso de palhaçada e timing certo para utilizar o termo de forma adequada. Afinal, a graça está justamente em sua natureza inesperada. Você já leu algum livro que te fez rir às gargalhadas? Apostagahna pode ter sido o ingrediente secreto por trás disso.

Muitos escritores utilizam o termo para criar situações absurdas e arrancar risos de seus leitores. Da mesma forma, apostagahna também tem sido uma fonte inesgotável de inspiração para pintores, escultores e outros artistas.

Suas obras muitas vezes são uma overdose de nonsense e humor, fazendo com que as pessoas se divirtam enquanto apreciam as formas e cores. Como todo fenômeno cultural, apostagahna não está isento de controvérsias e debates acalorados.

Alguns acreditam que o termo é uma bobagem sem sentido, enquanto outros o enxergam como um gênio criativo. Aos olhos dos críticos, apostagahna pode parecer apenas uma palavra boba e sem propósito. Eles o classificam como um elemento de humor fácil, que não exige grande esforço para criar risadas.

Por outro lado, os defensores de apostagahna argumentam que esse é justamente o ponto positivo. A simplicidade e espontaneidade do termo são o que o tornam tão atraente e engraçado. Em meio a todas as risadas e diversão, surgem os questionamentos sobre possíveis problemas que apostagahna pode causar.

Alguns dizem que o uso excessivo do termo pode banalizar o humor ou até mesmo ofender pessoas mais sensíveis. Porém, é importante lembrar que humor é uma forma de expressão e cada um tem seu próprio limite.

Enquanto apostagahna pode ser engraçado para uns, pode não ser para outros. É fundamental respeitar as diferenças e buscar o riso de forma inclusiva e respeitosa. O que o futuro reserva para apostagahna? Essa é uma pergunta que ninguém pode responder com certeza.

Mas uma coisa é clara, apostagahna veio para ficar. Com a ascensão das mídias sociais e o poder da internet, apostagahna encontrou um novo palco para brilhar. Memes, vídeos e gifs com o termo têm se multiplicado, conquistando novos fãs ao redor do mundo.

É possível que apostagahna se torne uma palavra tão presente no nosso dia a dia que acabaremos nos perguntando como vivemos sem ela antes. O futuro de apostagahna é tão ilimitado quanto a imaginação humana.

Loke recalls Lucy's parting words, and Caprico is reminded of Layla Heartfilia 's last words to him. When Caprico becomes enraged, Loke realizes that Caprico has become aware of the fact that Lucy is the daughter of Layla Heartfilia.

Loke states that according to Crux , Capricorn had made a contract with Layla 20 years ago, leading him to believe that Capricorn should now belong to Lucy. Caprico then reveals that he is actually Zoldeo in Capricorn's body, who used Human Subordination Magic on a Celestial Spirit and by that, broke the Taboo, which fused him with Capricorn.

After that, he reveals that he intends to do the same to Loke, because Capricorn's body was seriously injured; indeed, he successfully does fuse with Loke.

However, before that, Loke managed to give his Regulus power to Capricorn so he could help him. Together, the Celestial Spirits defeat Zoldeo and return to their world to heal. Note: Events in this arc occur only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

Lucy summons Loke to help her defeat Jackpot , but he gets hit by his opponent's Lightning Bonus. After this, he argues with Elfman and Natsu, and Lucy, seeing that he is more of a hindrance than help, sends him back to the Spirit World.

Loke celebrates Lucy and her friends' return from Tenrou Island when Virgo brings them to the Celestial Spirit World, and he greets his owner by asking her to run into his arms again.

As they eat and celebrate, Gray asks Loke how he has been, and Loke apologizes to him about the test. Later on, while Lyra is singing a song, he dances with Levy, Natsu, Aries and Scorpio. Before Lucy and her friends return to their world, he tells Lucy that he will go to the guild to see her.

During the Grand Magic Games, as Lucy and Yukino are nearly incinerated by lava underneath the Mercurius palace, Loke appears in the underground with Horologium , having freely passed through the gate along with the latter.

Apologizing for taking a long time to arrive, Loke returns Yukino and Lucy's gate Keys back to them, telling the latter that the stars are back on her side. With both Lucy and Yukino, Loke prepares to fight Uosuke as the twelve zodiac spirits are now finally together, stating that it's time for a counterattack.

When Loke states that the time to counterattack has arrived, Lucy and Yukino prepare themselves to fight. He watches as Natsu threatens the enemy, demanding them to tell him the whereabouts of the exit.

While Loke and the other Mages try to find the exit, Mirajane asks him how he managed to find them, and Loke answers that he just had to jump down. When Yukino asks him how Arcadios is, Loke, who is carrying him, replies that he is fine, but it is surprising that he survived the lava beneath his feet.

Soon, a hooded figure appears in front of Loke and the other Mages. Loke and the others recognize Lucy in the other woman's face, and when they ask how this can be, she says that she came from the future, shocking them. Loke is still in disbelief even after the revelation, but after the other woman collapses, the group decides to first move out of the prison and shoot the signal, informing the other members of Fairy Tail that Lucy is now safe.

He catches Lucy looking at her future self and tells her not to worry so much about it. Lucy agrees, and then Loke says that he will keep on loving her even if there are two of them. Suddenly, the Lucy from the future stirs and everyone immediately turns to her. When she asks where she is, Loke replies that the must be in a dining room.

She then remembers that they are going to be captured again. When Natsu and Mirajane say that this is impossible, she explains that, in her timeline, because they passed Eclipse, they couldn't use their Magic, hence they got captured. When Wendy asks the future Lucy why she came back to the past, she says that she intends to change the worst future, confusing the lot.

Loke is shocked to hear from Future Lucy that in the future, a flight of Dragons will attack the country. He listens as Lucy from the future indirectly reveals that they will die. When asked about the Eclipse, she reveals that she arrived on the fourth of July, prompting Loke to note the short time period, as Mirajane states that she thought the Eclipse could take a person further in time.

She tells them to meet Jellal, who should be thinking of a strategy, and the others by an underground passage. Stating that they are fine as long as they still have their Magic, Loke and the group attack the soldiers and take almost all of them out, prompting the army to call for the anti-Mage unit.

Loke, alongside Natsu, defends himself against the Royal Army with his Regulus Magic. As Rogue states that Lucy was the reason Eclipse did not work due to her closing it, Loke can only watch as the attack meant to kill her is taken by Lucy's future counterpart, killing her instead.

As he aims another attack at Lucy, Loke sees an angry Natsu attack Rogue, claiming he will protect the future. As Natsu begins fighting and instructs Lucy to leave, Loke takes her by the arm and pulls her away, telling her to leave the fight to Natsu. Rogue attempts to attack but Natsu prevents him from doing so, allowing Loke and the others to get Lucy to safety.

Due to Magic being unusable near the device, Loke is forced to return to the Celestial Spirit World. He and the rest of the Spirits then use their Magic Power to push the door and successfully close it.

When Loke learns that Lucy and Yukino have decided to thank the Zodiac Spirits for their services during the Grand Magic Games events, Loke summons himself to declare his wish. He casually converses with Natsu about the events that happened during the Dragon invasion, and then proceeds to flirt with Yukino.

When Natsu starts complaining about Loke not hanging around the guild anymore, Loke simply attacks Natsu and blasts him away, before resuming his flirting with Yukino. When Natsu returns demanding revenge, Loke sees an opening and just sends Natsu flying again.

Before he can flirt with Yukino again though, Lucy forces his gate to close, effectively sending him back to the Celestial Spirit World. Some time after this, due to the effect of the Eclipse Gate , Loke transformed into his Eclipse Form.

The 12 then reunions with the Mages , without a single memory of what had happened. Loke and Natsu then greet each other, with the latter questioning if the Spirit has really forgotten what he had done, in which Loke confirms, stating that that isn't much like him.

The group then watches as the Celestial Spirit King , now back to normal, appears before them, commenting on the past events as if they were just a dark vague dream to him, but thanks the Mages nonetheless. After the Kings reassures Hisui , Loke and the rest of Lucy's spirits re-present their Golden Keys back to her, stating that she can call them anytime and they will come to her aid, much to her pleasure.

Some time later, Lucy is forced into a confrontation with a group of treasure hunters from the Sylph Labyrinth Guild. During this battle, Loke arrives and manages to track down the sniper firing upon Lucy, Wendy and Flare.

Upon successfully locating Drake the sniper and appearing behind him, Loke tells him he's been discovered and promptly punches him off the cliff on which he was perched, sending him flying towards Lucy.

As the members of Fairy Tail contemplate the actions they should take in response to Tartaros attacking and wounding Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe, they also realize that the ex-members of the Magic Council are being targeted by the Dark Guild.

Worried, they decide to find the ex-members before Tartaros and offer them protection, though are unaware of where they live. Hearing their predicament, Loke comes forth, stating that he knows the location of four of the members; when Wendy asks how, he whispers something into her ear that causes her to blush.

With Loke having given them the locations, teams are formed and Fairy Tail splits up to go find the Council members. When Wendy and her team arrive at Michello 's house, his beautiful granddaughter greets them, causing Wendy to blush again when she notes the woman and Loke were once together.

Soon enough, Lucy and the other Fairy Tail Mages are quickly evacuated from the guild via Cana's Card Conversion due to an impending explosion Tartaros sneakingly sends the fairies in form of a Lacrima.

Once they reach Cube , Cana releases everyone from the cards in order to counterattack against Tartaros' forces. Some time later, Mard Geer uses Alegria to transform Cube into a giant floating beast, trapping all of the Fairy Tail members in the transformation process aside from Lucy.

As the Celestial Mage tries to move throughout the Tartaros headquarters, she is hunted by the members, who have been promised a reward for her murder. As she runs, she is hastily attacked by both Torafuzar and Lamy and summons Loke, who immediately faces Torafuzar to protect her. Struggling to fight off the member of the Nine Demon Gates , Loke worries that Lucy will soon run out of Magic Power trying to keep two gates open, and tries desperately to end his battle as soon as possible.

However, as he fights, Jackal also appears and begins to attack Lucy with his Curse, frightening Loke as he sends Lucy flying into a pool of water. Watching and praying for Lucy's safety, Loke is shocked when Lucy suddenly pulls out Aquarius' key and moves to summon her too.

Marveling that the already exhausted Lucy would even try to open another gate, Loke watches as Lucy collapses, Aquarius coming forth to battle in her place. Loke tells Lucy that it's enough and for her to close one of their gates, but before he can react Jackal appears behind him and Virgo.

Loke is then defeated by one of the Demon's explosions and forced to return to the Celestial Spirit World. Loke is summoned by Lucy to combat the monsters summoned by Lamia Scale 's rival guild Orochi's Fin during the X Guild War in Margaret Town.

Upon being summoned, he calls himself Lucy's "knight in shining armor" and, when Lucy uses the Leo Form Star Dress , he compliments her on her beauty before turning his attention to the hundreds of monsters before them with his Regulus Impact.

After, when Lucy uses her Regulus to perform Regulus Lucy Kick , Loke defends Lucy's usage of a simple kick by explaining that it incorporates some of his Light Magic. Loke is later thanked by Lyon for helping fend off the enemies. When Lucy mentions Wendy and Sherria, Loke seems to think that in a few years they will be of appropriate age, but Yuka Suzuki interrupts his thoughts to mention that the girls need some alone time.

Once Lucy has managed to gather all the former guild members back to Magnolia in order for them to rebuild the guild, Loke summons himself when a guild brawl is about to start, feeling nostalgic and thus wishing to participate.

Loke does so and attacks Jacob, but is pushed back by an invisible weapon. Immediately after, Jacob makes Lucy's Star Dress vanish in an effort to exact a "living hell" unto Natsu; Loke, greatly excited at seeing Lucy half-naked, asks Jacob to remove more of Lucy's clothes, but in response, his gate is forcibly closed by her.

Regulus 王の光 レグルス Regurusu : A type of Caster Magic related to his Celestial Spirit powers which allows him to produce the element of light from his body, Regulus is mainly used to boost Loke's melee performance, empowering his physical attacks with wakes of destructive light, which are produced from his unarmed blows in a fashion similar to a lion clawing at its prey.

Grant me your strength! Ring Magic 指輪魔法 Yubiwa Mahō : Since Regulus is directly related to his Celestial Spirit's powers, Loke relies on standard Ring Magic while in human form. This Magic employs physical attacks which look like a less garish version of his signature melee Magic. Transformation Magic 変身魔法 Henshin Mahō : Loke uses this Magic to change his appearance, changing between his human form and his spirit form.

Telepathy 念話 テレパシー Terepashī : Loke is able to mentally communicate with his owner via his key. Secret Technique: Dried Plum Attack: A comedic "technique" used during the S-Class Trial. Loke consumes Umeboshi , and illuminates his head with his Regulus Magic.

This technique was used to torture Wendy Marvell with his "suffering," due to her strong dislike and fear for sour plums, as she revealed to Erza much earlier on in the series. Together with Gray, who also consumed Umeboshi, he was capable of performing a Double Dried Plum Attack, which affected Wendy even more.

The technique's purpose was to defeat Wendy without physically harming her. Enhanced Durability : Being a combat Stellar Spirit, Loke claims to be able to " take his fair share of abuse ," more than a normal, non-combat oriented Spirit.

Immense Endurance: Loke has demonstrated immense stamina: he was able to maintain his presence in the Human World for as long as three years, [] getting attuned to it after three exhausting months, [] without returning to the Celestial Spirit World once.

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant : Loke is known as a " combat specialist ," [] with his expertise in martial arts being the main element of his fighting style. He excels at close combat with strong kicks and punches, and his strength and speed are so high that allow him to incapacitate foes through the use of hand-to-hand combat alone before they can react, without the need to cast any Magic.

Immortality : As a Celestial Spirit, Loke cannot die, [] unless he is somehow forced to stay in the Human World for too long without the chance to return to the Celestial Spirit World, something which would draw away his life force, and eventually kill him. Magic Ring : Loke wears a simple ring adorning the index finger of his right hand to perform standard Ring Magic.

After Lucy 's first day at Fairy Academy, she is almost run over by a group of girls who are rushing towards Loke, who sparkles and beckons to his "angels.

Loke appears as a student of Fairy Academy who is popular with the ladies. Lucy summons Loke to beat up some of Geese's henchmen with his Regulus Gatling Impact. Human Form: Loke appears as a playable character in the first Fairy Tail Video Game, Fairy Tail Portable Guild , and is playable only if you unlock him through quests.

Celestial Spirit Form: After reaching a specific level, Loke, in his Celestial Spirit form, appears as a playable character in the first Fairy Tail Video Game, Fairy Tail Portable Guild , and is playable only if you unlock him through quests.

Loke is a playable character in the sequel to Fairy Tail Portable Guild, Fairy Tail Portable Guild 2. He is unlocked through quests. Loke appears as a playable character in the DS Game Fairy Tail Gekitou!

Madoushi Kessen. Loke appears as a support character for Lucy in the DS Game Fairy Tail Gekitotsu! Kardia Daiseidou. Loke appears as a playable character in the sequel to Fairy Tail Portable Guild 2, Fairy Tail Zeref Awakens.

He possesses the following spells:. Loke appears as a non-playable summoning skill of Lucy in Fairy Tail Video Game. Fairy Tail Wiki Explore. Main Page Discuss All Pages Community Interactive Maps Recent Blog Posts. Manga Chapters Manga Omakes Chapter Covers Hiro Mashima.

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Detailed Timeline List of Events Story Arcs Macao arc Galuna Island arc Phantom Lord arc Tower of Heaven arc Battle of Fairy Tail arc Oración Seis arc Tenrou Island arc.

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Celesgial 1 Cleestial 2. Jackppt Laxus Alevría Alegría celestial jackpot tournament to find Fairy Tail's strongest Jackpkt, Lucy engages in a fight with Bickslow. Natsu Ganancias fantásticas sorteos Lucy Ashley Gray Surge Faust Mystogan Byro Coco Erza Knightwalker Hughes Celesrial. After hearing Alegría celestial jackpot and Giros Libres Adhesivos guild tease her, Lucy sneakily pulls Jet's ear and Droy is punched when Jet believes it was him, and is subsequently dragged into a brawl. He admits that he knew this would happen and tearfully blames himself. Michello goes on to reveal that Face is a weapon able to nullify all Magic across the continent, freaking Droy out. Once on Tartaros, Cana turns Droy back to normal, [] and he rushes to fight the Dark Guild along with the other members.


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Alegría celestial jackpot - Missing Alegria Star Cutout Aged Cognac Brown Leather Mules Slip On 39 US Sz Comfort. ooohlala_rachel % Positive feedback Alegria Alli Black Silver Rose 40 10 Floral Textured Comfort Clogs Mules ; Quantity. 1 available ; Item Number. ; Model. Allie ; Accurate Sus notas juegan en armonía, creando una sinfonía de energía y alegría. Ahli Vega es como un paseo por un jardín lleno de frutas maduras y suaves brisas

Forgot your username? Forgot your password? Business member. Create a Login Not a member? Eventually, Lucy entangles Bickslow with her whip and Loke finishes him off with Regulus Impact , knocking Bickslow out in one hit. Later on, he makes a light saying "I Love Lucy," to which Happy whispers that he likes her.

He later makes a brief appearance at the guild with Lucy as everyone celebrates and recovers, where Happy, now accompanied by Bickslow, teases the two. Loke makes his appearance after Lucy summons him in a desperate attempt to defeat Angel. However, Angel responds by summoning Loke's friend, Aries.

Aries agrees and says she has to fight her owner's enemy as well. Angel is surprised to see them fighting, and says that with Loke as the opponent, Aries won't stand a chance. Angel summons Caelum , a Celestial Spirit that takes the form of a cannon, and shoots both Aries and Loke through the stomach.

Loke tells Lucy he's sorry as both he and Aries fade away to the Celestial Spirit World to heal. When Lucy tries to summon Loke to battle with some soldiers in Edolas, Virgo appears instead, stating that Loke is out on a date.

Despite going all out, Loke and his allies are still overpowered and almost defeated, with Lucy falling to the ground, and Loke and Gray being flung away by the Legion reinforcements.

Lucy Ashley later comments amidst the battle that Loke and Lucy look like a couple. Loke then decides to try and flirt with Edolas Lucy, only to be told that she hates playboys.

After the candidates for the S-Class trial are announced, Loke appears with his old hairstyle and tells Lucy that he must suspend his contract with her during the trial, as he is Gray's partner.

He assures Lucy that he is sustaining his presence with his own Magic, so her own Magic will be unaffected, and also explains to her that the suspended contract means she will be unable to summon him. When Elfman asks him how he's still considered a Fairy Tail member, Loke reveals his Fairy Tail mark on his back, saying that he's still a Fairy Tail Mage and will fight to make Gray an S-Class Mage.

When the ship the group is on arrives at Tenrou Island, both he and Gray are stuck on the ship due to Fried's runes, but are released along with the other contenders after five minutes. Amazingly, they manage to defeat both of them easily.

While moving on, Gray ponders on Mest's strength and asks Loke who his partner was last year; to his frustration, Loke realizes that he cannot recall any memories about Mest, and his very existence appears hazy to both of them.

Loke and Gray are interrupted from their thoughts after seeing the other couples that passed the first round of the trial. They opt to have the two girls lead them to their target, and Gray tells Loke that the second part of the exam is also about 'greed'.

Later, the two of them gaze up into the sky as the signal flare that Erza fired illuminates the atmosphere above Tenrou Island, as a sign to get ready for battle.

Gray prevents Loke from telling Lucy and Cana that they intentionally followed them, and the two suggest that the four of them head back to the emergency meeting spot, with which Cana and Lucy hesitantly comply. members promptly come out from and confront the group. Loke is surprised about seeing him.

After realizing that there are 6 other members of the Seven Kin of Purgatory on the island besides Caprico, Loke tells his guild mates to head off and face the rest of them. He also explains that the reason he should fight alone against him is because of his Magic, Human Subordination, which weakens humans.

When he transforms back to his original form, he reveals Caprico's identity as the Celestial Spirit Capricorn the Goat, which surprises Cana and Gray, and makes Lucy somewhat sad. After he tells Lucy to leave, he enters his battle with Caprico, while asking how long it's been since his disappearance.

Although he manages to get a powerful attack in, Caprico manages to surprise him with an ability he didn't originally have since he is no longer the summoned, but the summoner. Loke receives a major wound from Caprico's summoned subordinate, San Jiao Shin. Caprico reveals that he knew that Loke asked for a one on one fight in order to protect Lucy, his owner.

Loke recalls Lucy's parting words, and Caprico is reminded of Layla Heartfilia 's last words to him. When Caprico becomes enraged, Loke realizes that Caprico has become aware of the fact that Lucy is the daughter of Layla Heartfilia. Loke states that according to Crux , Capricorn had made a contract with Layla 20 years ago, leading him to believe that Capricorn should now belong to Lucy.

Caprico then reveals that he is actually Zoldeo in Capricorn's body, who used Human Subordination Magic on a Celestial Spirit and by that, broke the Taboo, which fused him with Capricorn.

After that, he reveals that he intends to do the same to Loke, because Capricorn's body was seriously injured; indeed, he successfully does fuse with Loke.

However, before that, Loke managed to give his Regulus power to Capricorn so he could help him. Together, the Celestial Spirits defeat Zoldeo and return to their world to heal. Note: Events in this arc occur only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.

Lucy summons Loke to help her defeat Jackpot , but he gets hit by his opponent's Lightning Bonus. After this, he argues with Elfman and Natsu, and Lucy, seeing that he is more of a hindrance than help, sends him back to the Spirit World. Loke celebrates Lucy and her friends' return from Tenrou Island when Virgo brings them to the Celestial Spirit World, and he greets his owner by asking her to run into his arms again.

As they eat and celebrate, Gray asks Loke how he has been, and Loke apologizes to him about the test. Later on, while Lyra is singing a song, he dances with Levy, Natsu, Aries and Scorpio. Before Lucy and her friends return to their world, he tells Lucy that he will go to the guild to see her.

During the Grand Magic Games, as Lucy and Yukino are nearly incinerated by lava underneath the Mercurius palace, Loke appears in the underground with Horologium , having freely passed through the gate along with the latter.

Apologizing for taking a long time to arrive, Loke returns Yukino and Lucy's gate Keys back to them, telling the latter that the stars are back on her side. With both Lucy and Yukino, Loke prepares to fight Uosuke as the twelve zodiac spirits are now finally together, stating that it's time for a counterattack.

When Loke states that the time to counterattack has arrived, Lucy and Yukino prepare themselves to fight. He watches as Natsu threatens the enemy, demanding them to tell him the whereabouts of the exit. While Loke and the other Mages try to find the exit, Mirajane asks him how he managed to find them, and Loke answers that he just had to jump down.

When Yukino asks him how Arcadios is, Loke, who is carrying him, replies that he is fine, but it is surprising that he survived the lava beneath his feet. Soon, a hooded figure appears in front of Loke and the other Mages.

Loke and the others recognize Lucy in the other woman's face, and when they ask how this can be, she says that she came from the future, shocking them. Loke is still in disbelief even after the revelation, but after the other woman collapses, the group decides to first move out of the prison and shoot the signal, informing the other members of Fairy Tail that Lucy is now safe.

He catches Lucy looking at her future self and tells her not to worry so much about it. Lucy agrees, and then Loke says that he will keep on loving her even if there are two of them.

Suddenly, the Lucy from the future stirs and everyone immediately turns to her. When she asks where she is, Loke replies that the must be in a dining room.

She then remembers that they are going to be captured again. When Natsu and Mirajane say that this is impossible, she explains that, in her timeline, because they passed Eclipse, they couldn't use their Magic, hence they got captured.

When Wendy asks the future Lucy why she came back to the past, she says that she intends to change the worst future, confusing the lot. Loke is shocked to hear from Future Lucy that in the future, a flight of Dragons will attack the country.

He listens as Lucy from the future indirectly reveals that they will die. When asked about the Eclipse, she reveals that she arrived on the fourth of July, prompting Loke to note the short time period, as Mirajane states that she thought the Eclipse could take a person further in time.

She tells them to meet Jellal, who should be thinking of a strategy, and the others by an underground passage. Stating that they are fine as long as they still have their Magic, Loke and the group attack the soldiers and take almost all of them out, prompting the army to call for the anti-Mage unit.

Loke, alongside Natsu, defends himself against the Royal Army with his Regulus Magic. As Rogue states that Lucy was the reason Eclipse did not work due to her closing it, Loke can only watch as the attack meant to kill her is taken by Lucy's future counterpart, killing her instead.

As he aims another attack at Lucy, Loke sees an angry Natsu attack Rogue, claiming he will protect the future. As Natsu begins fighting and instructs Lucy to leave, Loke takes her by the arm and pulls her away, telling her to leave the fight to Natsu. Rogue attempts to attack but Natsu prevents him from doing so, allowing Loke and the others to get Lucy to safety.

Due to Magic being unusable near the device, Loke is forced to return to the Celestial Spirit World. He and the rest of the Spirits then use their Magic Power to push the door and successfully close it.

When Loke learns that Lucy and Yukino have decided to thank the Zodiac Spirits for their services during the Grand Magic Games events, Loke summons himself to declare his wish.

He casually converses with Natsu about the events that happened during the Dragon invasion, and then proceeds to flirt with Yukino. When Natsu starts complaining about Loke not hanging around the guild anymore, Loke simply attacks Natsu and blasts him away, before resuming his flirting with Yukino.

When Natsu returns demanding revenge, Loke sees an opening and just sends Natsu flying again. Before he can flirt with Yukino again though, Lucy forces his gate to close, effectively sending him back to the Celestial Spirit World. Some time after this, due to the effect of the Eclipse Gate , Loke transformed into his Eclipse Form.

The 12 then reunions with the Mages , without a single memory of what had happened. Loke and Natsu then greet each other, with the latter questioning if the Spirit has really forgotten what he had done, in which Loke confirms, stating that that isn't much like him.

The group then watches as the Celestial Spirit King , now back to normal, appears before them, commenting on the past events as if they were just a dark vague dream to him, but thanks the Mages nonetheless. After the Kings reassures Hisui , Loke and the rest of Lucy's spirits re-present their Golden Keys back to her, stating that she can call them anytime and they will come to her aid, much to her pleasure.

Some time later, Lucy is forced into a confrontation with a group of treasure hunters from the Sylph Labyrinth Guild. During this battle, Loke arrives and manages to track down the sniper firing upon Lucy, Wendy and Flare.

Upon successfully locating Drake the sniper and appearing behind him, Loke tells him he's been discovered and promptly punches him off the cliff on which he was perched, sending him flying towards Lucy.

As the members of Fairy Tail contemplate the actions they should take in response to Tartaros attacking and wounding Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe, they also realize that the ex-members of the Magic Council are being targeted by the Dark Guild.

Worried, they decide to find the ex-members before Tartaros and offer them protection, though are unaware of where they live. Hearing their predicament, Loke comes forth, stating that he knows the location of four of the members; when Wendy asks how, he whispers something into her ear that causes her to blush.

With Loke having given them the locations, teams are formed and Fairy Tail splits up to go find the Council members. When Wendy and her team arrive at Michello 's house, his beautiful granddaughter greets them, causing Wendy to blush again when she notes the woman and Loke were once together.

Soon enough, Lucy and the other Fairy Tail Mages are quickly evacuated from the guild via Cana's Card Conversion due to an impending explosion Tartaros sneakingly sends the fairies in form of a Lacrima.

Once they reach Cube , Cana releases everyone from the cards in order to counterattack against Tartaros' forces. Some time later, Mard Geer uses Alegria to transform Cube into a giant floating beast, trapping all of the Fairy Tail members in the transformation process aside from Lucy.

As the Celestial Mage tries to move throughout the Tartaros headquarters, she is hunted by the members, who have been promised a reward for her murder. Precisamente de esto trata esta obra: de transmutar la queja, el disgusto, la animadversión, la pesadumbre y todo lo que se le parezca, ya que con ello es imposible transitar el Sendero de Ascensión.

Fue el anterior Director del Quinto Rayo Verde de la Verdad, la Salud y la Felicidad. Su Complemento Divino es la Señora Amanecer Dawn , y a su Hermandad pertenecen la Señora Felicidad y Fun Wey.

Lord Ling se hace presente en toda manifestación de alegría, cuando uno se ríe y es feliz. En otras vidas fue Moisés, encarnación en la que no pudo ascender por falta de Alegría.

Fue también Ánanda, el discípulo amado del Señor Gautama. Se puede contactar su radiación en el Monte Nebo, en Jordania.

En Oriente existe la costumbre de tener una figura del Señor Ling para que nunca falte la Alegría y jamás penetre la tristeza o exista pleito en el lugar.

By Dara

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